Friday, October 29, 2010

The art of manipulation Vol.1: Tenth (Re-Uploaded)

The art of manipulation Vol.1: Tenth (Re-Loaded), I republished the video cause the old version was out of sync for some odd reason. In any case, enjoy the video. Do not be fooled or deceived by ministers who twist the Scriptures to the money from you. You do not need to tithe today. Let no one, fear and manipulation minister used to give the tenth or money for their church from coercion. Jesus and his followers do not tithe, so why are you? This video shows howthey do it and make sure there is. Are you ready ads, please take the time to read my blog on my MySpace page title: enter to get money / things, or give to help the needy? Here's the link: . . . Here are some videos to watch, I advise you to understand more about the subject. Posted by SKYSPLASH 1-3 of Jesus for 30 pieces of silver for sale - tenth object of sale 2-3 Jesus for 30 pieces of silver - 3-3 tenth object of saleJesus for 30 pieces of silver - the tenth subject christoferL deeply biblical Pt 3: 123djrevill after the tenth of the Christians do not tithe post Berrmutt interview with Anti-tenths ( Part 1 of 4) anti-tenth interview (part 2 of 4) Anti-tenth interview (part 3 of 4) Anti-tenth interview (part 4 of 4) www.

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